Life in the Spirit | Day 5 | Harmony with the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a help, guide, comfort, and liberator! During the first 21 days of November, Pastor Wiggins will lead us through a fasting, prayer, and devotional series meant to help us tap into Life in the Spirit. Here’s how you can get connected: 1) Fast and Pray with Us Daily, we will set aside time for reading God’s Word and hearing God’s voice. Get a copy of the step-by-step Life in the Spirit personal prayer guide and fast recommendations via email, at, or on social media! During the fast, we will partake of only water, juice, rice, lentils, and fruits and vegetables that do not contain preservatives or additives. For detailed online fast resources, visit If you need a copy of the personal prayer guide or the fast recommendations, they can be viewed and downloaded at 2) Watch the Daily Devotional Video Series As an addendum to the personal prayer guide, watch the corresponding Life in the Spirt daily devotional video right here on our YouTube channel. 3) Memorize Scripture Participate in the Head-to-Heart Memory Verse Challenge where, for the next month, the focus is Life in the Spirit, as outlined in the personal prayer guide. 4) Join Us for Worship During our Life in the Spirit fasting, prayer, and devotional series worship with us SUNDAYS, at 9am, in-person in the sanctuary or virtually online at; and/or, WEDNESDAYS, at noon, on Zoom (Meeting ID: 760 885 4420/Password: BibleStudy) with playback available on our YouTube channel from the Victory in the Word and Life in the Spirit playlists. We are looking forward to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in every area of your life because of our time with the Lord. #GetConnected #StayConnected #LifeInTheSpirit

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